LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Read the really serious legal disclaimer here before you do anything else.
LICENSING: The apache license doesn't cover anything in the 'bin', 'cds\*\files', 'cabs' or 'os' directories. These have their own licenses. At the command line, you can type:
bfd -help
bcd -help
busbd -help
Download and install the current version of the program available here to the suggested location and click either the shortcut on the desktop or in the start menu.
When installing, the following applies to the options chosen:
The program is 4 powershell scripts. There's the main script that runs the powershell prompt, the BFD script for building floppy disks, the BCD script for building CDs or DVDs and the BUSBD script for building USB flash drives.
The main script must be run with administrator privileges. You can do this by right-clicking the shortcut and clicking 'Run as Administrator'. This is for the BUSBD script, as it requires elevated privileges.
Alternative: Right-click the shortcut, then click 'Properties', click 'Advanced', click 'Run as Administrator', click 'OK' and then 'OK'. Now when you double-click the shortcut it automatically runs with elevated privileges
The main script is run whenever the shortcut is clicked and is used to run the other scripts.
.\bfd [options] -p [name]
.\bcd [options] -p [name]
.\busbd [options] -p [name]